We are excited to announce our first All Souls raffle! The Furnace Fund Raffle ticket sale will run from September until the drawing, which will take place on Saturday, March 23. Tickets are $100 each, and only 1,000 will be sold for a chance at the $10,000 Grand Prize and secondary prizes of $5,000, $2,500, $1,000 and $500. We will hold Early Bird drawings on November 5 and January 28 for $500 each, and there will also be a $500 prize to the seller of the grand-prize winning ticket.
Each parishioner and Religious Education family received two tickets in the mail to help expand our reach. If everyone would purchase or sell at least the two provided tickets, we will be well on our way to selling out the full 1,000. Those who sell more will have an additional chance to win $500: sellers’ names will go into a special drawing for every five tickets they sell—sell 10 tickets, that’s two chances; sell 20, your name goes in four times. And you can even sell shares—find four friends to go in on a ticket or two. Five packs with sales logs are available. You do not need to prepay these, simply check them out by returning the request form at the bottom of this letter; we can mail them to you, or you can pick them up.
The Furnace Fund Raffle is especially important for us as we are tasked with raising $100,000 for replacement and repair of critical HVAC components to keep us comfortable in the church and enable us to rent out the former school building. The raffle will cover the bulk of that $100,000, as selling all 1,000 tickets will net us nearly $80,000 once the prizes are paid out.
If you did not receive your tickets in the mail, please call the office at 708.895.6700 so we can get those out to you. Likewise, five-packs are available for those who can sell more. Thank you for your support!